
October 2023

Pabloplener IV.


Dear parents, dear students,

after three successful open-air events, we are again bringing to your attention a 5-day art outdoor event in nature - in the picturesque lazo area of Zaježová (20 km from Zvolen).

Pabloplener IV., which will take place from October 2 to October 6, 2023, is organized by our civic association Ateliér Pablo o.z. in cooperation with the Trnava self-governing region, which supported the project with a subsidy of 1,300 euros. Accommodation and meals will be provided by the Zaježová Education Center.

The supporting thematic area of art in nature will be "Gifts of the Earth" with two main artistic subjects "Nature shapes" in the cyanotype technique and "Paradise garden / fruits of the earth" in the African clay batik technique. In addition, he will paint with natural pigments and work with herbs and various natural products. On the way to Zaježová, we will also stop at the magical place of Gavúrka - a forest grove with 300-year-old oaks.

Go to the photo gallery >

August 2023

Additional admissions interviews at
school year 2023/24


Do you have a little artist at home? Additional admission interviews will take place until mid-September. Just make an appointment by phone or write us a message.

We are looking forward to you!

June 2023

Opening hours of the Pablobiennale IV - "Blue spawn - golden tears"


May 2023

Pablobiennale IV.


Dear parents, students and friends! We cordially and gladly invite you all again to the school's spectacular event - the exhibition of students' works Pablobiennale IV called "Blue Spawn - Golden Tears". The grand opening of the exhibition (opening) will take place on June 1, 2023 at 6:00 pm in Čajka gallery, at Halenárska 6 in Trnava. There will be more than 30 art projects exhibited, created using various techniques (drawings, paintings, graphics, sculptures, ceramics, batiks, tapestries and various spatial objects). Waiting for you at the opening, in addition to quality art, there will also be gourmet refreshments, quality drinks, a live rock band along with a pleasant garden setting. The exhibition will run until 30 September 2023.
All are welcome! :-)

April 2023

Admission interviews 2023/24


Dear friends and prospective students! The admission interviews for the new school year 2023/2024 will start on Wednesday 26 April 2023. They will take place during the months of May and June in an individual form on a pre-arranged date. We look forward to seeing you!

More about the admission interviews >

June 2022

Plener III.


Dear parents, dear students,
After two successful open air workshops in 2019, we are again bringing to your attention a 5-day art outdoor open air workshop - in the picturesque mountain settlement area Zaježová (20 km from Zvolen). Go to the photo gallery >

Since this year's Pabloplener 3 is organized by our civil society organization (CSO) Ateliér Pablo in cooperation with the Trnava Self-Governing Region, which supported the project with a subsidy of 1500 euros, former students or other interested persons can also apply. The date of the workshop is from 20 June to 24 June 2022.
We are preparing themes of art in nature such as the skeleton of a mythical animal, creative creature, a footprint of a mythical animal, working with herbs - the message of wild plants. We will also go to the magical place called Gavúrky - a forest grove with 300+ year old oak trees.

PDF with the program for download >

Aprll 2022

pohovory 2022/2023


Od pondelka 25. 4. 2022 začíname prijímacie pohovory na nový školský rok 2022/2023
Prebiehať budú individuálnou formou vo vopred dohodnutom termíne.

Tešíme sa na Vás!

December 2021

Virtuálna prehliadka Pablobienále III


Milí priatelia,
výstava Pablobienále 3 síce skončila, ale stále máte možnosť vidieť diela cez virtuálnu prehliadku >.

July 2021

Otváracie hodiny Pablobienále III


June 2021

Pablobienále III


Milí rodičia, študenti a priatelia školy,
srdečne a s radosťou Vás všetkých pozývame 3. júna 2021 o 18:00 hod. do Čajky (Halenárska 6, Trnava) na slávnostné otvorenie (vernisáž) výstavy študentských výtvarných prác Pablobienále III.

Čaká na Vás:
– nesmierne nádherná inštalácia vybraných výtvarných celkov za posledné 3-ročné obdobie
– významní hostia
– úvodný moderovaný program sprevádzaný koncertom živej rockovej kapely
– delikatesné občerstvenie pre deti i dospelých
– ochutnávka kvalitných vín a ovocných nektárov
– čapované plzenské pivo aj nealko radler
– a hlavne pohodička a dobrá nálada


Photo gallery >

May 2021

Prijímacie pohovory 2021/2022

Od pondelka 10. 5. 2021 začíname prijímacie pohovory na nový školský rok 2021/2022.
Prebiehať budú individuálnou formou vo vopred dohodnutom termíne.

Tešíme sa na Vás!

May 2021

Prijímacie pohovory 2021/2021


Od pondelka 18. 5. 2020 začíname prijímacie pohovory na nový školský rok 2020/2021
Prebiehať budú individuálnou formou vo vopred dohodnutom termíne.
Ak máte záujem, kontaktujte nás prosím čo najskôr, počet prijímaných žiakov je limitovaný.

Tešíme sa na Vás!

March 2020

Online vyučovanie


Vážení rodičia, milí študenti,
spúšťame online vyučovanie cez platformu Sofigreo, ktorá nám výrazne uľahčí komunikáciu so žiakmi počas pandémie COVID 19 (zadávanie lekcií a kurzov formou textu, obrázkov, videí, možnosť priamej diskusie formou četu, správ atď.).
Učitelia budú prostredníctvom platformy nielen zdielať online lekcie, ale aj zadávať žiakom tvorivé úlohy, o ktorých budú následne na platforme diskutovať.
To znamená, že od žiakov sa očakáva určitá miera aktivity.
Sofigreo predstavuje inú kvalitu, náročnosť i spôsob práce pre učiteľa, prebieha v iných rovinách s dôrazom na psychosociálny efekt a udržanie detí v aktivizujúcom rytme, procese. Formálny výsledok hmotnej práce je v tomto prípade menej dôležitý ako vyvinutá kreativita v domácom prostredí. Obsah a mentálny proces je implicitným vychovávateľom, rozvíjajúcim vedomie a živé myslenie malých tvorcov. Vedie k samostatnejšiemu rozhodovaniu a cez možnú diskusiu s učiteľom v rámci platformy k priamej interakcii a overovaniu si zvolených postupov.
Štruktúra platformy umožňuje plný didaktický prístup i nové metodické postupy v komunikácii učiteľa so žiakom. Napokon sa to dá odsledovať. Nie je menej cenným vzdelávacím prostriedkom iba poskytuje inú živnú pôdu pre rozvoj dieťaťa. Je rozhodne zmenou dynamiky v myslení s dôrazom na abstrahovanie a predstavivosť. Tiež na vypestovanie si kritérií sebahodnotenia a odsledovanie vlastných limitov. Vysoký étos je v prítomnej akceptácii krízového režimu pre učiteľa a z neho vyplývajúcich vzdelávacích obsahov. Pre dieťa v dynamizujúcom procese jeho úvah reakcií.
Treba dôverovať platforme a cez ňu sa všetko potrebné vyprofiluje vo vzájomnej komunikácii.
Stačí k tomu jeden pracovný nástroj podľa Vašich možností (PC, notebook, tablet alebo smartfón).

Tešíme sa na Vašu spoluprácu!

October 2019



For the second time in 2019 (7 – 11 October), we organised a 5-day plain-air school in nature of gorgeous Zaježová region. 18 children experienced great and enriching processes of perception and development of their own creativity and personality. The students could gained new knowledge as for biology (herbs, trees, birds, animals, insect), ecology (environmental education), history of photography, land-art. They tried out working with material, working outside as well as manual working using tools as a saw, knife or hammer. Some physical exercises as well as mental ones for mind concentration were also included. The children could improve forming and developing their opinions, feelings and empathy, social cohesion and awareness of unity. They also enjoyed an amazing opportunity to relax in a bee house.

Photo gallery >

May 2019



Entrance examinations for school year 2019/2020 will be going on individually from Monday, 27 May 2019. If interested, please contact us as soon as possible in order to arrange an individual date. The number of students being enrolled is limited.

We look forward to seeing you.

May 2019



Dear parents, we would like to introduce you a new activity of our school – a 5-day plain-air school in nature of beautiful Zaježová region (20 km far from Zvolen). We are convinced that for an artist, a close contact with pure nature is necessary. Students can try out new principles and methods of Art: drawing and painting outside, land-art, natural spatial objects, installations and others. There will also be some environmentally oriented activities, seeing beekeeper, gaining knowledge about medicinal herbs etc. 

Maximum number of students: 24, Year 7. – 9.

Photo gallery >

April 2019



On Saturday 27 April 2019, for the fourth time ever, in the pedestrian area in Trnava you will be able to see us painting the sign „#TRNAVA“. You are invited!

Besides compositional harmonization of authors‘ composition, we particularly work on three letters.

Come and support us! We look forward to seeing you!

Letter T – Olívia Dlasková, Natália Palšovičová, Veronika Srnáková, Elena Schwarzová – students of The Private Primary Art School Pablo
Letter A – Mgr. art. Eva Šrubařová – teacher at The Private Primary Art School Pablo

Letter A –  Mgr. Tatiana Vrtochová alias Da Linka – teacher at The Private Primary Art School Pablo

Photo gallery >

May 2018



31. 05. 2018

Dear parents, students, dear children, friends of our school,

we are glad to invite you to the ceremonial opening of the third exhibition of our school – Pablobiennial 2.

The opening will be held on 31 May 2018 at 6:00 pm at Čajka, 6 Halenárska St. in Trnava.

Do not miss this opportunity to perceive the energy of your children, that unique energy accumulated in our conception. The atmosphere of this event will be enriched with music band playing songs by The Beatles or Led Zeppelin and more. There will also be a sweet surprise and some other gastronomic trifles.

This event, a conceptual exhibition, we consider to be a part of education and a pleasant climax of our school educational programme. Within the concept „The Natural Mind“, female students will present their functional textile models, their hand-sewn skirts inspired by petals.

Photo gallery>

May 2018


April 2018



28. 04. 2018

This year again, we will paint the sign “#TRNAVA” – this time even 5 symbols!

Come and support us, we look forward to seeing you!

# – Olívia Dlasková, Patrícia Hamerlíková, Lujza Čambálová – students of The Private Primary Art School Pablo
Letter A –  Mgr. Tatiana Vrtochová alias Da Linka – teacher at The Private Primary Art School Pablo
Letter T – MgA. Klaudia Šimuničová – teacher at The Private Primary Art School Pablo
Letter A – Mgr. art. Eva Šrubařová – teacher at The Private Primary Art School Pablo
Letter V – Laco Vrždák – student of The Private Primary Art School Pablo

Photo gallery >

December 2017



20. 12. 2017

You are warmly invited to the presentation of the children’s book Ježko Dežko written by Ján Čápka, published by our school and illustrated by our students.

The presentation of the book and an exhibition of our original illustrations will be held on Wednesday, 20 December 2017 at 4:00 pm in The Library of Juraj Fándly in Trnava.

We look forward to seeing you.

Photo gallery >

May 2017


April 2017



01.05. 2017

Dear parents and students,

if you still do not have any plans for this weekend, on 6 May 2017 (Saturday) you can come to see and support us, as we will be painting four letters of the sign „#TRNAVA“. 

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Four letters will be painted by The Private Primary Art School Pablo.

This all-day event starts at 10:00 am.

Letter N and symbol # – our students Olívia Dlasková, Ema Hečková, Lujza Čambálová and Laco Vrždák

Letters R and A will be painted by our teachers MgA. Klaudia Šimuničová, Mgr. Tatiana Vrtochová (assisted by Terezka Ožvaldová)

Letter V – Dominika Žáková, a former student of Mgr. Miloš Čápka

Photo gallery >

May 2016



27. 05. 2016

Dear parents, dear children and friends of our school,

you are warmly invited to the ceremonial opening of our second exhibition Pablobiennial I.

The opening will take place on 2 June 2016 at 6:00 pm at Čajka (6 Halenárska St.) in Trnava. The exhibition will be open until 30 September 2016. Please see attached invitation for details.

Do not miss a unique opportunity to feel the accumulated energy of your children in our conception. The atmosphere of the vernissage will be enriched with a music band playing songs by The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, etc. There will also be a sweet surprise for children and some more gastronomic trifles.

We look forward to seeing you!


Photo gallery >

April 2016


April 2016


April 2016


April 2014


April 2014


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